Weighing in at 133, modestly proportioned pages (many of which are covered in illustrations), it can now be proclaimed that Here's the Situation has taken its rightful place on the eternal shelf alongside the pantheon of indispensable volumes that have moved humanity forward, such as The Great Gatsby, Huckleberry Finn, The Catcher in the Rye, and Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.
Since the release of "Here's," as it's affectionately referred to by university academics, we have witnessed such world-altering events as the 14th Dalai Lama stepping down as head of the Tibetan government so that he may focus his energies full time on creeping. We can only assume His Holiness will hit the clubs in his Lama Lama red pajamas.
The media (spit) refuses to cover this literary juggernaut. They have since moved on to cover newer titles, simply because "Here's" wasn't published this week. Well, consider such books as Anna Karenina, Charlotte's Web, and The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing. All three continue to populate the canon of most reputable online associates degree literature programs -- and all three were published a REALLY LONG TIME AGO!
And yet, "Here's" languishes, gathering virtual dust on virtual bookshelves. Ask yourself: What is the industrialized media complex trying to hide?
Please, search out a copy of Here's the Situation (insist on the unexpurgated edition). You will know it by its oddly-selected cover art, featuring a design apparently aimed at no empirical demographic. And also, you will know it by the fact that only one edition exists.
Expand your mind. And, if you have time left over, read Here's the Situation. Each successive page will urgently remind you why every minute, of every day, is precious.
Don't own a copy?! Yo! I gotta do everything for ya?
Buy it here, dawg.
Read an academic review of Here's the Situation by Professor K. Shawnofski, a fellow of the Green Mountain Philosophical Society, here.